Be Involved in Faith. Join us in Transforming Lives, Changing The World! Sign up to serve as an individual, or with your Life Group.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat arcu at justo varius, eget dictum neque pellentesque. Mauris in varius lacus, at scelerisque augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean egestas, lectus non hendreri “




Join us

iN Transforming Lives,

Join us

In Transforming Lives, Changing The World! 

Changing The World! 

We require more willing hearts and hands to serve across our Sunday services. Be Involved at Church. Check out the serving opportunities to find where you can serve.


We’re looking for volunteers to serve with us at our Sunday Worship Services in the following roles:

Email the respective staff-in-charge to find out more. We look forward to serving alongside you!

The Attic Library offers Christian literature and multimedia resources to enrich your spiritual journey and transformation. 
Learn more on the Attic Library page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Book Review Writer
    Skills: Writing
    Availability: Ad hoc
  • Publicity Creator/Designer
    Skills: IT savvy, creative
    Availability: Ad hoc

To sign up, contact Audrey Mok, Ministry Chairperson, at!

Join our Communications Ministry to amplify the heartbeat of the Church and inspire our Faith family and friends.
We craft compelling stories across our website, YouTube, social media, posters, banners, bulletins, and service announcements.
If you’re passionate about communications and skilled in making waves across various platforms, we want you!

Serving Opportunities:

  • Animator
    Skills: Proficient in animation software
    Availability: Project-based
  • Graphic Designer
    Role: Design graphics for digital and print channels
    Skills: Proficient in design software
    Availability: Project-based
  • Video Crew/Editors
    Skills: Basic video recording, editing, and equipment operation
    Availability: Project-based
  • Content Writers
    Role: Write for our newsletter, social media, and website; interview members
    Skills: Strong English, passion for writing
    Availability: Project-based
  • Scriptwriters
    Skills: Scriptwriting and storyboarding
    Availability: Project-based

To join us, email:

CYF connects with local youth, sharing God’s love and welcoming them into our Faith family. 
Learn more on our Community.Youth.Family page!

Serving Opportunities:

  • Activity Planners/Facilitators
    Skills: Passion for youth outreach, planning, and facilitation
    Availability: Once a month
  • Befrienders
    Skills: Passion for youth outreach, befriending
    Availability: Once a month
  • Bible Study Teachers/Facilitators
    Skills: Passion for youth outreach, teaching, and facilitation
    Availability: Once a month

Boys’ Brigade (BB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study and Badge Work Facilitator
    Skills: Leading devotion sessions for boys, facilitating adventure learning, and character development through the BB syllabus.
    Availability: 1-2 hours, Saturday mornings.
  • Officers
    Skills: Facilitating and nurturing character development through friendship and mentoring boys. Modelling and sharing the love of God with those in our care.
    Availability: Every Saturday morning.
  • Sports Engagement
    Skills: Engaging boys through sports and meaningful games. A fun-loving spirit and the ability to teach a unique sport (e.g., floorball, frisbee, touch rugby) are desirable.
    Availability: Ad-hoc.

Girls’ Brigade (GB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study & Badgework Teachers/Facilitators
    Skills: Passion for girls’ outreach, teaching, and facilitation
    Availability: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons (except school holidays/exams)
  • Guitarist
    Skills: Passion for musical outreach, guitar proficiency
    Availability: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings (except school holidays/exams)
  • Officer/Helper
    Skills: Passion for girls’ outreach, befriending, mentoring, leadership
    Availability: Alternate Saturday mornings (except school holidays/exams)

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo, Pastoral Team Member for Community.Youth.Family, at

Discipleship & Nurture (D&N) helps our congregation grow as disciples of Christ. Learn more on the Discipleship & Nurture page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Class Facilitators/Trainers
    Skills: Facilitation, public speaking, communication
    Availability: 2-4 hours per session, ad hoc
  • Life Group Spiritual Retreat Facilitators
    Skills: Retreat facilitation, communication
    Availability: 4 hours per session, ad hoc
  • Admin/Logistics Assistant (Events/Classes/Retreats)
    Skills: Planning, organisation
    Availability: 4 hours per session, ad hoc
  • Sermon Discussion Writer
    Skills: Writing
    Availability: Once a month

Contact Tenny Pang, Pastoral Team Member for Discipleship & Nurture, at!

FaithActs is the community service arm of Faith, serving children, youth, families, and seniors across all backgrounds.
Learn more at

Serving Opportunities:

Seniors Services (Morning Programmes):

  • Befrienders
    Traits: Warm, conversant in Mandarin/dialects
    Availability: 3-5 hours
  • Mass Exercise Facilitators
    Traits: Physically healthy (training provided)
    Availability: 1-2 sessions
  • Van Driver
    Traits: Patient, senior-friendly
    Availability: 3-5 hours, mornings
  • Creative Activity Facilitators
    Traits: Creative, resourceful, teaching ability
    Availability: 3-5 hours

Children & Youth Services (Afternoon Programmes):

  • Tutors
    Role: Teaching
    Availability: Weekly, Tues-Thurs, 7:30-9:30pm
  • Learning Hub Assistant
    Role: Befriending, homework supervision
    Availability: Weekdays, 3-4:30pm (homework) and/or 4:30-6pm (activities)
  • KidsLEAP
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays (Mar-May & Jul-Sep), 3-6pm
  • ELP+:
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Weekly on Tuesdays (Mar-May, Jul-Oct), 2:30-5pm
  • Junior Chef
    Role: Befriending, teaching cooking skills
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays, 3-5pm

Community Care & Support Services:

  • Outreach/Befrienders/Medical Escorts
    Traits: Friendly, people-oriented
    Availability: 2-3 hours, ad hoc
  • Home Cleaning
    Traits: Friendly, helpful
    Availability: 3-4 hours, ad hoc

To sign up, contact us at!

The FaithCare ministry embodies Christ’s care through people.

Serving Opportunities:

  1. Care Ambassadors
    Role: Visit, encourage, and befriend with patience, love, and comfort
    Note: Training and resources provided
    Contact: Phoon Kum Yuen at or Tracy Ng at
  2. Bereavement & Hospitalisation Volunteers
    Role: Visit wakes and hospitals,
    offering care and comfort with patience
    Contact: Godiva Ysip at

Our Filipino Ministry nurtures Filipinos as disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland. Learn more on our Filipino Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mentors for Life Group Leaders
    Skills: Passion for Filipinos
    Availability: Alternate Sundays, 1:30-3:30pm
  • Musicians
    Skills: Guitar, keyboard, or drums
    Availability: 1 Sunday per month, 12:30-3pm
  • Coordinators/Helpers for Outreach Events
    Skills: Event organisation
    Availability: Coordinate one special event (e.g., Mother’s Day, Independence Day, Anniversary, or Christmas)

To sign up, email Godiva Ysip at

Our Hospitality Ministry ensures a warm welcome at Faith at Sunday services and events. Learn more on our Hospitality Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers & Greeters
    Skills: Warm and friendly
    Availability: At least one Sunday per month during services or special events

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo at

Our Indonesian Ministry nurtures Indonesians as disciples of Jesus before they return home. Learn more on the Indonesian Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mentors for Life Group Leaders
    Skills: Appreciation and passion for Indonesians
    Availability: 3pm – 6pm on alternate Sundays
  • Trainers on Life Skills
    Skills: Provide short-term training in areas like business start-up, financial management, hair-cutting, cooking, baking, facial care, nail art, guitar, English, mental healthcare, and dental care
    Availability: 1:30pm – 3pm on Sundays (short-term)
  • Life Groups for Outreach Events
    Skills: Help organise outreach or befriending events
    Availability: Any one of the following events—Easter (March/April), Indonesian Ministry Anniversary (April), Indonesian Independence Day (August), or Christmas (December)

To sign up, contact Esther Ong at

Our Mandarin Ministry connects with Mandarin-speaking communities and helps them grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Learn more on the Mandarin Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers/Greeters
    Skills: Warm, friendly, and sociable
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Bus Befrienders
    Skills: Compassion for the mobility-challenged
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Musicians/Instrumentalists
    Skills: Proficient in an instrument (keyboard, drums, guitar, support singing)
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Lunch Fellowship Volunteers
    Skills: Reliable and punctual
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Projectionists
    Skills: IT savvy. Understand written Mandarin.
    Availability: Once a month
  • Sound& Logistics Crew
    Skills: Keen ear for audio quality
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Mandarin Translators
    Skills: Proficient in Mandarin and English. Theology understanding will be helpful.
    Availability: Project basis.

To sign up, contact Claire Yeh at

Our ministry for Missions seeks to fulfil the Great Commission by sending long-term workers to the mission fields, and mobilising Faith’s congregation for Acts 1:8 (short-term) trips and missions support. For more information, visit the Missions page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mission Trippers
    • Desired traits and skills: A heart for the harvest
    • Availability required: Ad hoc (refer to our upcoming mission trip listing)
  • Media Creator
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, multi-media skills
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team
    • We praise God that the Lord has expanded and broadened our missions work in the various fields! As part of our One Mission focus, the Missions Ministry’s vision is to continue to deepen our ministries in these fields, especially in the area of community development.
    • We are looking for educators, medically-trained professionals, and trainers to be part of our Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team! If you are a teacher (current or retired), are medically-trained, or are a trainer with life skills or a marketplace specialty, and have the heart to reach out to the marginalized, you are who we are looking for. Be part of our team and be kept updated of opportunities to serve in our mission fields with your expertise and skills!

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our ONE JAM Children’s Ministry (ONE Jesus And Me) shares Christ’s love with children, fostering spiritual growth and devotion.
For details, visit the ONE JAM page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Teacher/Discipler
    Role: Care for children in SUN JAM Small Groups, helping them know Jesus
    Availability: Twice a month during worship services (9am/10.30am/11am)
    Training: Provided
  • Worship Leader
    Skills: Lead large-group worship for children
    Availability: Once or twice a month on Sundays (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • SUN JAM Musician
    Skills: Play guitar, piano, or keyboard
    Availability: Once or twice a month on Sundays (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • Special Needs Teacher
    Role: Support special needs children, helping them encounter Jesus
    Availability: Once or twice a month on Sundays at 10.30am
    Training: Provided
  • Creative Outreach Team
    Skills: Lead worship songs, dance, puppetry, skits, and games
    Availability: Ad hoc or twice a month on Saturdays

To sign up, contact Pearly Sim at

Our OSC ministry addresses social issues with Christ’s love in the our community. Find out more at our Outreach & Social Concerns page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Adopt-A-Block (AAB) Volunteers

Skills: Friendly, to visit and befriend residents in our community (serve as a LG)
Availability: 4 times a year

  • Packers for Goodie Bags

Role: Pack goodie bags for Adopt-A-Block visitations
Availability: 2-4 hours, twice a year

  • Adopt-A-Family (AAF) Volunteers

Role: Life Group sign-ups only, visit “adopted” families monthly
Traits: Warm, friendly, heart for the needy

  • God Of Love Delivery (G.O.L.D.)

Role: Deliver lunchpacks to needy seniors, Life Group sign-ups preferable
Traits: Patient, friendly, heart for the needy
Availability: Once a month, Saturdays

  • Migrant Worker Outreach

Role: Buy meals for town council workers
3 times per year

To sign up, contact our Church Office at or email

Our ministry for Prayer & Intercession seeks to ignite and create a prayer movement – a distinct culture of praying people passionate about praying God’s will and purposes be done. For more information, visit the Prayer & Intercession page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Be a Praying Partner
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, reliable and faithful
    • Availability required: At least 15 to 30 minutes every day
  • Be an Altar Ministry Partner (For trained member sign-ups)
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, humble and submissive
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week (at the Corporate House of Prayer and House Of Healing on Wednesdays, and at the end of worship services on Sundays)
  • Be an Intercession Partner (For gifted members)
    • Desired traits and skills: Teachable, team player
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week on Wednesday evenings

To sign up, contact Peh Oon Thian, Pastoral Team Member for Prayer & Intercession at!

Our TackleBox Youth Ministry (TTB) aims to mentor every young person beyond a secondhand faith, and into a personal relationship with Jesus. For more information, visit the TackleBox Youth Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Life Group Team Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: Every Sunday from 9am to 1pm
  • Adult Mentors for Youth Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: At least 2 hours once every 2 weeks

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our Witness & Evangelism (W&E) ministry equips everyone with evangelistic tools and provides opportunities to reach out to pre-believers in our communities. For more details, visit the Witness & Evangelism page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Alpha Course Facilitators

Skills: Facilitation and/or teaching

Availability: 10–12 weekly sessions (training and materials provided)

  • Soccer Coach/Manager

Skills: Coaching and/or management

Availability: Once a week on Sunday afternoons

  • Nurturers for New Believers

Skills: Passion for mentoring and sharing life experiences

Availability: 2 hours per week (training and materials provided)

  • Organisers for Equipping Classes

Skills: Event organisation, passion for learning and evangelism

Availability: 2–3 hours quarterly

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Faith’s Worship & Music Ministry plans our Sunday
worship services and coordinates various sub-ministries to ensure our services
are Spirit-led, allowing us to encounter and worship God in spirit and truth.
For more details, visit the Worship & Music page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Production:

Roles: Projection, Sound,
Lights, Video Switcher, Service IC

Skills: No
experience required; training will be provided

Commitment: At least once
a month; certain positions require attendance during the Saturday rehearsal

  • Contemporary
    Worship Team:

Roles: Keyboardist,
Acoustic Guitarist, Electric Guitarist, Bassist, Drummer, Vocals

Skills: Proficiency
in the instrument is required and there will be an audition conducted

Commitment: At least once
a month, inclusive of Saturday rehearsals

  • Traditional
    Worship Team:

Roles: Vocals, Piano,

Skills: Proficiency
in the instrument is required and there will be an audition conducted

Commitment: At least once
a month or as when rostered, inclusive of stipulated rehearsals

  • Creative

Roles: Scriptwriters,
Actors, Prop and Costume Makers, Producers, Directors

Skills: While
experience in performing arts is preferred, no skills are required; training is

Commitment: Ad-hoc based
on productions; attendance and participation are required during stipulated

  • Choir:

Roles: Vocals (Soprano,
Alto, Tenor, Bass), Pianist

Skills: Proficiency
in instrument and score reading is preferred; auditions will be conducted

Commitment: Weekly choir
rehearsals with rendering of monthly choir anthem and during major combined

  • String

Roles: Violin, Viola,
Cello, Bass, Pianist, Arranger

Skills: Proficiency
in instrument and score reading is required; auditions will be conducted.

Commitment: Attendance of
rehearsal in the lead up to service

  • Genesis

Roles: Dancers,

Skills: Experience
in dance is preferred but not required

Commitment: Weekly dance
rehearsals in preparation for anthems during the Sunday service or major
combined services

  • Shofar:

Roles: Shofar Blower

Skills: Experience
is preferred but not required

Commitment: Ad-hoc for
selected services

  • Floral

Roles: Purchaser,
Arranger, Logistics

Skills: No
experience required, training will be provided

Commitment: At least once
a month participation in the arrangement of flowers for our halls

To sign up, contact Cheryl Chen, Pastoral Team Member for
Worship & Music, at!


Join us

In Transforming Lives, Changing The World! 

We require more willing hearts and hands to serve across our Sunday services. Be Involved at Church. Check out the serving opportunities to find where you can serve. Do write to the person whose email is indicated to enquire. 


We’re looking for volunteers to serve with us at our Sunday Worship Services in the following roles:

Email the respective staff-in-charge to find out more. We look forward to serving alongside you!

TheAttic Library provides Christian literature and multimedia resources to enable, equip and enrich the spiritual journey and transformation. For more information, visit the Attic Library page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Book and/or Music Review Writer
    • Desired traits and skills: Writing
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Publicity creator/designer
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, creative
    • Availability required: Ad hoc

To sign up, contact Audrey Mok, Ministry Chairperson for the Attic Library at!

Our Communications Ministry communicates the heartbeat of the Church to inform, engage, and inspire our Faith family and nearby communities. We use creatives arts in digital or print formats on various platforms such as our website, videos on our youtube/ broadcast / social media channels, posters, banners, bulletin, announcements at services and more. We want you if you have a passion for communications and understand how to use the various platforms to spin publicity.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Animator
    • Immediate need for digital animator to work on a special project!
    • Desired traits and skills: Animation software proficiency
    • Availability required: On Project Basis
  • Graphic Designer
    • Design graphics across our communication channels, from digital to print.
    • Desired traits and skills: Design software proficiency
    • Availability required: On Project Basis
  • Video Crew/Editors
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to do simple editing of photos/videos. Enjoy recording videos. Able to operate basic video equipment; video and possess editing software proficiency
    • Availability required: On Project Basis
  • Content Writers
    • Help to publicise events of the church . Write simple articles for our online newsletter , FaithLink Snapshot, social media posts and/or website. Interview persons on their experience at events or for their personal testimonies.
    • Desired skills: Have passion to write ; have a good command of English
    • Availability : On Project basis
  • Scriptwriters
    • Desired traits and skills: Scriptwriting / storyboarding
    • Availability : On Project basis

To sign up, email:

Community.Youth.Family (CYF) is our ministry that reaches out to pre-believing youth in the community, shares God’s love with them, and invites them to be a part of our Faith church family. For more information, visit the Community.Youth.Family page.

Community.Youth.Family (CYF) Serving Opportunities:

  • Activity Planners and/or Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to pre-believing youths, planning and facilitation skills
    • Availability required: At least once a month
  • Befrienders
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to pre-believing youths, befriending skills
    • Availability required: At least once a month
  • Bible Study Teachers/Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to pre-believing youths, teaching and facilitation skills
    • Availability required: At least once a month

Boys’ Brigade (BB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study and/or Badgework Lesson Teachers/Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to boys, outreach, teaching/facilitation skills
    • Availability required: 1 hour every Saturday morning
  • Officer/Helper
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to boys, outreach, befriending, mentoring and leadership skills
    • Availability required: Every Saturday morning

Girls’ Brigade (GB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study and/or Badgework Lesson Teachers/Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to girls, outreach, teaching/facilitation skills
    • Availability required: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons except school holidays and examination periods
  • Guitarist
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about using music as an outreach tool, ability to play the guitar
    • Availability required: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings except school holidays and examination periods
  • Officer/Helper
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to girls, outreach, befriending, mentoring and leadership skills
    • Availability required: Alternate Saturday mornings except school holidays and examination periods

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo, Pastoral Team Member for Community.Youth.Family at!

Our ministry for Discipleship & Nurture (D&N) develops our congregation as disciples of Christ. For more information, visit the Discipleship & Nurture page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Class Facilitators/Trainers
    • Desired traits and skills: Facilitation/Public Speaking; communication and interpersonal skills
    • Availability required: 2-4 hours per session/Ad hoc
  • Life Group Spiritual Retreat Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Retreat facilitation; communication and interpersonal skills
    • Availability required: 4 hours per session/Ad hoc
  • Administration/Logistics Assistant (Events/Classes/Retreats)
    • Desired traits and skills: Planning and organisation
    • Availability required: 4 hours per session/Ad hoc
  • Sermon Discussion Writer
    • Desired traits and skills: Writing
    • Availability required: Once a month

To sign up, contact Tenny Pang (, Pastoral Team Member for Discipleship & Nurture!

FaithActs is the community service arm of Faith, serving children, youth, families, and seniors across all backgrounds.
Learn more at

Serving Opportunities:

Seniors Services (Morning Programmes):

  • Befrienders
    Traits: Warm, conversant in Mandarin/dialects
    Availability: 3-5 hours
  • Mass Exercise Facilitators
    Traits: Physically healthy (training provided)
    Availability: 1-2 sessions
  • Van Driver
    Traits: Patient, senior-friendly
    Availability: 3-5 hours, mornings
  • Creative Activity Facilitators
    Traits: Creative, resourceful, teaching ability
    Availability: 3-5 hours

Children & Youth Services (Afternoon Programmes):

  • Tutors
    Role: Teaching
    Availability: Weekly, Tues-Thurs, 7:30-9:30pm
  • Learning Hub Assistant
    Role: Befriending, homework supervision
    Availability: Weekdays, 3-4:30pm (homework) and/or 4:30-6pm (activities)
  • KidsLEAP
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays (Mar-May & Jul-Sep), 3-6pm
  • ELP+:
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Weekly on Tuesdays (Mar-May, Jul-Oct), 2:30-5pm
  • Junior Chef
    Role: Befriending, teaching cooking skills
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays, 3-5pm

Community Care & Support Services:

  • Outreach/Befrienders/Medical Escorts
    Traits: Friendly, people-oriented
    Availability: 2-3 hours, ad hoc
  • Home Cleaning
    Traits: Friendly, helpful
    Availability: 3-4 hours, ad hoc

To sign up, contact us at!

The FaithCare ministry is about Christ Caring for People Through People.

Serving Opportunities:

1. Care Ambassadors:  


  • Conduct visits
  • Offers encouragement and friendship
  • Patient
  • Provides love, care and comfort

Resources and training will be provided. For more information please contact Phoon Kum Yuen and Tracy Ng

2. Bereavement and Hospitalisation Visitation Volunteers


  • Conduct visits to wakes and hospitals 
  • Offers care and comfort
  • Patient

For more information, please contact Tracy Ng @ or Godiva Ysip

Our Filipino Ministry aims to nurture Filipinos as disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland.  For more information, visit the Filipino Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

1. Mentors for Life Group Leaders

  • Desired traits and skills: Appreciation and passion for Filipinos
  • Availability required: 1.30pm – 3.30pm (2 hours) on alternate Sundays

2. Musicians

  • Desired traits and skills: Able to play the guitar, keyboard or drums
  • Availability required: 12.30pm – 3pm (2.5 hours) for 1 Sunday per month
  • Coordinators/Helpers for Outreach Events
  • Desired traits and skills: Able to help organize outreach or befriending events
  • Availability required: to help coordinate in any one of the special events–Mother’s Day (May), Philippine Independence Day (June), Filipino Ministry Anniversary (October), or Christmas (December)

To sign up, email Godiva Ysip

Our Hospitality Ministry provides a warm and welcoming experience for everyone at Faith during Sunday worship services and other church events. For more information, visit the Hospitality Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers, Greeters
    • Desired traits and skills: Warm and friendly
    • Availability required: At least One Sunday a month during worship services and/or special events

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo, Pastoral Team Member for Hospitality at

Our Indonesian Ministry aims to nurture Indonesians as disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland. For more information, visit the Indonesian Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mentors for Life Group Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Appreciation and passion for Indonesians
    • Availability required: 3pm – 6pm on alternate Sundays
  • Trainers on Life Skills
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to provide short-term training e.g. business start-up, financial management, hair-cutting, cooking, baking, facial care, nail art, guitar, English Language; or give talks on mental healthcare and dental care
    • Availability required: 1.30pm – 3pm on Sundays (short-term)
  • Life Groups for Outreach Events
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to help organize outreach or befriending events
    • Availability required: Any one of the following events – Easter (every March/April), Indonesian Ministry Anniversary (every April), Indonesian Independence Day (every August), or Christmas (every December)

To sign up, contact Esther Ong from the Indonesian Ministry at!

Our Mandarin Ministry reaches out to Mandarin-speaking communities and helps them become disciples of Jesus Christ. For more information, visit the Mandarin Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers/Greeters
    • Desired traits and skills: Warm, friendly and sociable
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Bus befrienders/Van drivers
    • Desired traits and skills: A heart for the mobility-challenged
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Musicians/Instrumentalists
    • Desired traits and skills: Proficiency in at least one instrument
    • Keyboardists, drummers, guitarists, support singers
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Refreshment/Lunch Fellowship Coordinators
    • Desired traits and skills: Hospitable
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Projectionists
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to read and write Chinese
    • Availability required: Once a month
  • Sound & Logistics Crew
    • Desired traits and skills: Sound equipment knowledge/skills
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Mandarin Translators
    • Desired traits and skills: Proficiency in both Mandarin and English
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month

To sign up, contact Claire Yeh, Pastoral Team Member for the Mandarin Ministry at!

Our ministry for Missions seeks to fulfil the Great Commission by sending long-term workers to the mission fields, and mobilising Faith’s congregation for Acts 1:8 (short-term) trips and missions support. For more information, visit the Missions page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mission Trippers
    • Desired traits and skills: A heart for the harvest
    • Availability required: Ad hoc (refer to our upcoming mission trip listing)
  • Media Creator
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, multi-media skills
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team
    • We praise God that the Lord has expanded and broadened our missions work in the various fields! As part of our One Mission focus, the Missions Ministry’s vision is to continue to deepen our ministries in these fields, especially in the area of community development.
    • We are looking for educators, medically-trained professionals, and trainers to be part of our Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team! If you are a teacher (current or retired), are medically-trained, or are a trainer with life skills or a marketplace specialty, and have the heart to reach out to the marginalized, you are who we are looking for. Be part of our team and be kept updated of opportunities to serve in our mission fields with your expertise and skills!

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our ONE JAM Children’s Ministry (ONE Jesus And Me) reaches out to children with the love of Christ by laying the foundation for spiritual growth and helping them become fully-devoted followers of Jesus. For more information, visit the ONE JAM page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Teacher/Discipler of children in SUN JAM Small Groups
    • To pastorally care for the children and help them to know and encounter Jesus through His Word. Training will be provided
    • Availability required: At least twice a month during one of the worship service timings (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • Worship Leader
    • Desired traits and skills: Ability to lead large-group worship for children
    • Availability required: Once or twice a month on Sundays during one of the worship service timings (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • SUN JAM Musician
    • Desired traits and skills: Ability to play a musical instrument (guitar/piano/keyboard)
    • Availability required: Once or twice a month on Sundays during one of the worship service timings (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • Special Needs Teacher
    • To pastorally care for special needs children and help them to know and encounter Jesus through His Word. On-the-job training will be provided
    • Availability required: Once or twice a month on Sundays during the 10.30am worship service timing
  • Creative Outreach Team
    • Desired traits and skills: Ability to do any of the following: lead worship songs, dance, puppetry, skits and lead games for outreach events
    • Availability required: Ad hoc or twice a month on Saturdays

To sign up, contact Pearly Sim, Pastoral Team Member for the Children’s Ministry at!

Our ministry for Outreach & Social Concerns (OSC) reaches out to Faith’s surrounding community with the love of Christ by meeting relevant social issues and concerns. For more information, visit the Outreach & Social Concerns page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Publicity Creator/Designer
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, interviewing/writing
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Packers for goodies bags for Adopt-A-Block (AAB) visitations
    • Desired traits and skills: Helpful and able to help pack goodie bags
    • Availability required: 2 to 4 hours twice a year
  • Adopt-A-Block (AAB) Visitation Door Gift Coordinator
    • Desired traits and skills: Resourceful
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Adopt-A-Family (AAF) Volunteers
    • For Life Group sign-ups only
    • Desired traits: Warm and friendly, heart for the needy
    • Availability required: Monthly visits to “adopted” family
  • God Of Love Delivery (G.O.L.D.) of lunch packs to needy seniors
    • For Life Group sign-ups only
    • Desired traits: Patient, friendly, heart for the needy
    • Availability required: Once a month on Saturdays

To sign up, contact our Church Office at!

Our ministry for Prayer & Intercession seeks to ignite and create a prayer movement – a distinct culture of praying people passionate about praying God’s will and purposes be done. For more information, visit the Prayer & Intercession page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Be a Praying Partner
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, reliable and faithful
    • Availability required: At least 15 to 30 minutes every day
  • Be an Altar Ministry Partner (For trained member sign-ups)
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, humble and submissive
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week (at the Corporate House of Prayer and House Of Healing on Wednesdays, and at the end of worship services on Sundays)
  • Be an Intercession Partner (For gifted members)
    • Desired traits and skills: Teachable, team player
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week on Wednesday evenings

To sign up, contact Peh Oon Thian, Pastoral Team Member for Prayer & Intercession at!

Our TackleBox Youth Ministry (TTB) aims to mentor every young person beyond a secondhand faith, and into a personal relationship with Jesus. For more information, visit the TackleBox Youth Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Life Group Team Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: Every Sunday from 9am to 1pm
  • Adult Mentors for Youth Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: At least 2 hours once every 2 weeks

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our ministry for Witness & Evangelism (W&E) equips everyone at Faith with evangelistic tools and provides them with opportunities to reach out to pre-believers in nearby communities. For more information, visit the Witness & Evangelism page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Alpha Course Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Facilitation and/or teaching
    • Availability required: 10 to 12 weekly sessions (for one complete run, training and materials will be provided)
  • Soccer Coach/Manager
    • Desired traits and skills: Coaching and/or management
    • Availability required: Once a week on Sunday afternoons
  • Nurturers for New Believers
    • Desired traits and skills: Passion for mentoring/sharing life experience with new believers
    • Availability required: 2 hours a week (training and materials will be provided)
  • Organisers for Equipping Classes
    • Desired traits and skills: Event organisation, passion for learning and engaging in evangelism
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours quarterly

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Faith’s Worship & Music Ministry plans our Sunday worship services and coordinates the different sub-ministries to serve God and His people, so that our worship services may be Spirit-led, for us to encounter God and worship Him in spirit and truth. For more information, visit the Worship & Music page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Production:
    • projection (8am, 1030am service)
    • sound (all services)
    • lights (9 & 11.15am services)
    • video switcher (9am service only)
  • Musicians
    • Bass guitarist (Contemporary services)
    • drummer (contemporary services)
  • Creative Arts
    • Scriptwriters
    •  Actors
    • Prop and costume makers
    •  Producers
    • Directors
  • Shofar Blower
    • To blow the Shofar on an ad-hoc event basis
      • Criteria:
    • Active in Small Group for more than 6 months
    • Attends Faith Sunday Service regularly
    • Has a regular Quiet Time with God
    • Able to own a personal Shofar
    • Has no difficulty in breathing
    • Has a positive attitude towards learning and receiving correction
    • Faithful with self-practice and in seeking improvements from the leaders
      • Commitment:
    • Minimum two-year commitment with six/seven sessions a year (excluding self-practice time
  • Pianist (traditional service)

To sign up, contact Cheryl Chen, Pastoral Team Member for Worship & Music at!

join a

life group


Connect with others, grow in faith, and find a supportive community to share life’s journey. It’s a great way to deepen your relationship with God and build meaningful friendships.

hello THERE!


We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

hello THERE!


We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

Welcome to the

Attic eLibrary!

Below are some useful tips on navigating the site.
Access the eLibrary at or use the Libby App!

Using The website
  • Enter your user ID and password
  • Click on “Collections” at the top navigation bar and you will see “Faith Methodist Church Collections”
  • Browse the categories available
  • Select an item by clicking on it
  • Click on “Sample” to access a brief sample of the item
  • Click on “Borrow” to borrow the item
  • Each member can borrow a maximum of 2 items for 14 days each
  • After 14 days, the item will be automatically returned to the eLibrary
  • You can choose to “Read Now In Browser” or “Download” the item
  • If the item is already borrowed, you can “Add To Wish List”
  • When you have finished, please click “Return” to return the item to the eLibrary
  • If you have any questions, please email
  • Download the Libby app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, or use Libby in a browser
  • Open the app, and when prompted to answer the first question, “Do you have a library card?”, click “Yes”
  • Click “I’ll Search For A Library”
  • Type in “Faith Methodist Church” and click “Search”
  • Click “Enter Library Account Details”
  • Type in your user ID and click “Next”
  • Type in your password and click “Sign-in”
  • It will show your library card. Click “Next”
  • You can search for an item by clicking the “Search” icon (bottommost left) and typing in a word/phrase, or
  • You can browse items by clicking the “Building” icon (second icon from the bottom left)
  • If you want to borrow an item, click the item, then click “Borrow”
  • Verify your card and select “Borrow”
  • To read the item that you have borrowed, click the “Shelf” button (second icon from the bottom right)
  • If someone has borrowed the item, you can click “Place Hold” to reserve the item
  • When you have finished reading the item, click the “Manage Loan” icon (next to the item) and click “Return Early” to return the item to the eLibrary
  • If you have any questions, please email




Be Involved in Faith. Join us in Transforming Lives, Changing The World! Sign up to serve as an individual, or with your Life Group.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat arcu at justo varius, eget dictum neque pellentesque. Mauris in varius lacus, at scelerisque augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean egestas, lectus non hendreri “




Join us

iN Transforming Lives,

Join us

In Transforming Lives, Changing The World! 

Changing The World! 

We require more willing hearts and hands to serve across our Sunday services. Be Involved at Church. Check out the serving opportunities to find where you can serve.


We’re looking for volunteers to serve with us at our Sunday Worship Services in the following roles:

Email the respective staff-in-charge to find out more. We look forward to serving alongside you!

The Attic Library offers Christian literature and multimedia resources to enrich your spiritual journey and transformation. 
Learn more on the Attic Library page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Book Review Writer
    Skills: Writing
    Availability: Ad hoc
  • Publicity Creator/Designer
    Skills: IT savvy, creative
    Availability: Ad hoc

To sign up, contact Audrey Mok, Ministry Chairperson, at!

Join our Communications Ministry to amplify the heartbeat of the Church and inspire our Faith family and friends.
We craft compelling stories across our website, YouTube, social media, posters, banners, bulletins, and service announcements.
If you’re passionate about communications and skilled in making waves across various platforms, we want you!

Serving Opportunities:

  • Animator
    Skills: Proficient in animation software
    Availability: Project-based
  • Graphic Designer
    Role: Design graphics for digital and print channels
    Skills: Proficient in design software
    Availability: Project-based
  • Video Crew/Editors
    Skills: Basic video recording, editing, and equipment operation
    Availability: Project-based
  • Content Writers
    Role: Write for our newsletter, social media, and website; interview members
    Skills: Strong English, passion for writing
    Availability: Project-based
  • Scriptwriters
    Skills: Scriptwriting and storyboarding
    Availability: Project-based

To join us, email:

CYF connects with local youth, sharing God’s love and welcoming them into our Faith family. 
Learn more on our Community.Youth.Family page!

Serving Opportunities:

  • Activity Planners/Facilitators
    Skills: Passion for youth outreach, planning, and facilitation
    Availability: Once a month
  • Befrienders
    Skills: Passion for youth outreach, befriending
    Availability: Once a month
  • Bible Study Teachers/Facilitators
    Skills: Passion for youth outreach, teaching, and facilitation
    Availability: Once a month

Boys’ Brigade (BB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study and Badge Work Facilitator
    Skills: Leading devotion sessions for boys, facilitating adventure learning, and character development through the BB syllabus.
    Availability: 1-2 hours, Saturday mornings.
  • Officers
    Skills: Facilitating and nurturing character development through friendship and mentoring boys. Modelling and sharing the love of God with those in our care.
    Availability: Every Saturday morning.
  • Sports Engagement
    Skills: Engaging boys through sports and meaningful games. A fun-loving spirit and the ability to teach a unique sport (e.g., floorball, frisbee, touch rugby) are desirable.
    Availability: Ad-hoc.

Girls’ Brigade (GB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study & Badgework Teachers/Facilitators
    Skills: Passion for girls’ outreach, teaching, and facilitation
    Availability: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons (except school holidays/exams)
  • Guitarist
    Skills: Passion for musical outreach, guitar proficiency
    Availability: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings (except school holidays/exams)
  • Officer/Helper
    Skills: Passion for girls’ outreach, befriending, mentoring, leadership
    Availability: Alternate Saturday mornings (except school holidays/exams)

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo, Pastoral Team Member for Community.Youth.Family, at

Discipleship & Nurture (D&N) helps our congregation grow as disciples of Christ. Learn more on the Discipleship & Nurture page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Class Facilitators/Trainers
    Skills: Facilitation, public speaking, communication
    Availability: 2-4 hours per session, ad hoc
  • Life Group Spiritual Retreat Facilitators
    Skills: Retreat facilitation, communication
    Availability: 4 hours per session, ad hoc
  • Admin/Logistics Assistant (Events/Classes/Retreats)
    Skills: Planning, organisation
    Availability: 4 hours per session, ad hoc
  • Sermon Discussion Writer
    Skills: Writing
    Availability: Once a month

Contact Tenny Pang, Pastoral Team Member for Discipleship & Nurture, at!

FaithActs is the community service arm of Faith, serving children, youth, families, and seniors across all backgrounds.
Learn more at

Serving Opportunities:

Seniors Services (Morning Programmes):

  • Befrienders
    Traits: Warm, conversant in Mandarin/dialects
    Availability: 3-5 hours
  • Mass Exercise Facilitators
    Traits: Physically healthy (training provided)
    Availability: 1-2 sessions
  • Van Driver
    Traits: Patient, senior-friendly
    Availability: 3-5 hours, mornings
  • Creative Activity Facilitators
    Traits: Creative, resourceful, teaching ability
    Availability: 3-5 hours

Children & Youth Services (Afternoon Programmes):

  • Tutors
    Role: Teaching
    Availability: Weekly, Tues-Thurs, 7:30-9:30pm
  • Learning Hub Assistant
    Role: Befriending, homework supervision
    Availability: Weekdays, 3-4:30pm (homework) and/or 4:30-6pm (activities)
  • KidsLEAP
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays (Mar-May & Jul-Sep), 3-6pm
  • ELP+:
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Weekly on Tuesdays (Mar-May, Jul-Oct), 2:30-5pm
  • Junior Chef
    Role: Befriending, teaching cooking skills
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays, 3-5pm

Community Care & Support Services:

  • Outreach/Befrienders/Medical Escorts
    Traits: Friendly, people-oriented
    Availability: 2-3 hours, ad hoc
  • Home Cleaning
    Traits: Friendly, helpful
    Availability: 3-4 hours, ad hoc

To sign up, contact us at!

The FaithCare ministry embodies Christ’s care through people.

Serving Opportunities:

  1. Care Ambassadors
    Role: Visit, encourage, and befriend with patience, love, and comfort
    Note: Training and resources provided
    Contact: Phoon Kum Yuen at or Tracy Ng at
  2. Bereavement & Hospitalisation Volunteers
    Role: Visit wakes and hospitals,
    offering care and comfort with patience
    Contact: Godiva Ysip at

Our Filipino Ministry nurtures Filipinos as disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland. Learn more on our Filipino Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mentors for Life Group Leaders
    Skills: Passion for Filipinos
    Availability: Alternate Sundays, 1:30-3:30pm
  • Musicians
    Skills: Guitar, keyboard, or drums
    Availability: 1 Sunday per month, 12:30-3pm
  • Coordinators/Helpers for Outreach Events
    Skills: Event organisation
    Availability: Coordinate one special event (e.g., Mother’s Day, Independence Day, Anniversary, or Christmas)

To sign up, email Godiva Ysip at

Our Hospitality Ministry ensures a warm welcome at Faith at Sunday services and events. Learn more on our Hospitality Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers & Greeters
    Skills: Warm and friendly
    Availability: At least one Sunday per month during services or special events

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo at

Our Indonesian Ministry nurtures Indonesians as disciples of Jesus before they return home. Learn more on the Indonesian Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mentors for Life Group Leaders
    Skills: Appreciation and passion for Indonesians
    Availability: 3pm – 6pm on alternate Sundays
  • Trainers on Life Skills
    Skills: Provide short-term training in areas like business start-up, financial management, hair-cutting, cooking, baking, facial care, nail art, guitar, English, mental healthcare, and dental care
    Availability: 1:30pm – 3pm on Sundays (short-term)
  • Life Groups for Outreach Events
    Skills: Help organise outreach or befriending events
    Availability: Any one of the following events—Easter (March/April), Indonesian Ministry Anniversary (April), Indonesian Independence Day (August), or Christmas (December)

To sign up, contact Esther Ong at

Our Mandarin Ministry connects with Mandarin-speaking communities and helps them grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Learn more on the Mandarin Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers/Greeters
    Skills: Warm, friendly, and sociable
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Bus Befrienders
    Skills: Compassion for the mobility-challenged
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Musicians/Instrumentalists
    Skills: Proficient in an instrument (keyboard, drums, guitar, support singing)
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Lunch Fellowship Volunteers
    Skills: Reliable and punctual
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Projectionists
    Skills: IT savvy. Understand written Mandarin.
    Availability: Once a month
  • Sound& Logistics Crew
    Skills: Keen ear for audio quality
    Availability: Once or twice a month
  • Mandarin Translators
    Skills: Proficient in Mandarin and English. Theology understanding will be helpful.
    Availability: Project basis.

To sign up, contact Claire Yeh at

Our ministry for Missions seeks to fulfil the Great Commission by sending long-term workers to the mission fields, and mobilising Faith’s congregation for Acts 1:8 (short-term) trips and missions support. For more information, visit the Missions page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mission Trippers
    • Desired traits and skills: A heart for the harvest
    • Availability required: Ad hoc (refer to our upcoming mission trip listing)
  • Media Creator
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, multi-media skills
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team
    • We praise God that the Lord has expanded and broadened our missions work in the various fields! As part of our One Mission focus, the Missions Ministry’s vision is to continue to deepen our ministries in these fields, especially in the area of community development.
    • We are looking for educators, medically-trained professionals, and trainers to be part of our Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team! If you are a teacher (current or retired), are medically-trained, or are a trainer with life skills or a marketplace specialty, and have the heart to reach out to the marginalized, you are who we are looking for. Be part of our team and be kept updated of opportunities to serve in our mission fields with your expertise and skills!

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our ONE JAM Children’s Ministry (ONE Jesus And Me) shares Christ’s love with children, fostering spiritual growth and devotion.
For details, visit the ONE JAM page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Teacher/Discipler
    Role: Care for children in SUN JAM Small Groups, helping them know Jesus
    Availability: Twice a month during worship services (9am/10.30am/11am)
    Training: Provided
  • Worship Leader
    Skills: Lead large-group worship for children
    Availability: Once or twice a month on Sundays (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • SUN JAM Musician
    Skills: Play guitar, piano, or keyboard
    Availability: Once or twice a month on Sundays (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • Special Needs Teacher
    Role: Support special needs children, helping them encounter Jesus
    Availability: Once or twice a month on Sundays at 10.30am
    Training: Provided
  • Creative Outreach Team
    Skills: Lead worship songs, dance, puppetry, skits, and games
    Availability: Ad hoc or twice a month on Saturdays

To sign up, contact Pearly Sim at

Our OSC ministry addresses social issues with Christ’s love in the our community. Find out more at our Outreach & Social Concerns page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Adopt-A-Block (AAB) Volunteers

Skills: Friendly, to visit and befriend residents in our community (serve as a LG)
Availability: 4 times a year

  • Packers for Goodie Bags

Role: Pack goodie bags for Adopt-A-Block visitations
Availability: 2-4 hours, twice a year

  • Adopt-A-Family (AAF) Volunteers

Role: Life Group sign-ups only, visit “adopted” families monthly
Traits: Warm, friendly, heart for the needy

  • God Of Love Delivery (G.O.L.D.)

Role: Deliver lunchpacks to needy seniors, Life Group sign-ups preferable
Traits: Patient, friendly, heart for the needy
Availability: Once a month, Saturdays

  • Migrant Worker Outreach

Role: Buy meals for town council workers
3 times per year

To sign up, contact our Church Office at or email

Our ministry for Prayer & Intercession seeks to ignite and create a prayer movement – a distinct culture of praying people passionate about praying God’s will and purposes be done. For more information, visit the Prayer & Intercession page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Be a Praying Partner
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, reliable and faithful
    • Availability required: At least 15 to 30 minutes every day
  • Be an Altar Ministry Partner (For trained member sign-ups)
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, humble and submissive
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week (at the Corporate House of Prayer and House Of Healing on Wednesdays, and at the end of worship services on Sundays)
  • Be an Intercession Partner (For gifted members)
    • Desired traits and skills: Teachable, team player
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week on Wednesday evenings

To sign up, contact Peh Oon Thian, Pastoral Team Member for Prayer & Intercession at!

Our TackleBox Youth Ministry (TTB) aims to mentor every young person beyond a secondhand faith, and into a personal relationship with Jesus. For more information, visit the TackleBox Youth Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Life Group Team Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: Every Sunday from 9am to 1pm
  • Adult Mentors for Youth Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: At least 2 hours once every 2 weeks

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our Witness & Evangelism (W&E) ministry equips everyone with evangelistic tools and provides opportunities to reach out to pre-believers in our communities. For more details, visit the Witness & Evangelism page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Alpha Course Facilitators

Skills: Facilitation and/or teaching

Availability: 10–12 weekly sessions (training and materials provided)

  • Soccer Coach/Manager

Skills: Coaching and/or management

Availability: Once a week on Sunday afternoons

  • Nurturers for New Believers

Skills: Passion for mentoring and sharing life experiences

Availability: 2 hours per week (training and materials provided)

  • Organisers for Equipping Classes

Skills: Event organisation, passion for learning and evangelism

Availability: 2–3 hours quarterly

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Faith’s Worship & Music Ministry plans our Sunday
worship services and coordinates various sub-ministries to ensure our services
are Spirit-led, allowing us to encounter and worship God in spirit and truth.
For more details, visit the Worship & Music page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Production:

Roles: Projection, Sound,
Lights, Video Switcher, Service IC

Skills: No
experience required; training will be provided

Commitment: At least once
a month; certain positions require attendance during the Saturday rehearsal

  • Contemporary
    Worship Team:

Roles: Keyboardist,
Acoustic Guitarist, Electric Guitarist, Bassist, Drummer, Vocals

Skills: Proficiency
in the instrument is required and there will be an audition conducted

Commitment: At least once
a month, inclusive of Saturday rehearsals

  • Traditional
    Worship Team:

Roles: Vocals, Piano,

Skills: Proficiency
in the instrument is required and there will be an audition conducted

Commitment: At least once
a month or as when rostered, inclusive of stipulated rehearsals

  • Creative

Roles: Scriptwriters,
Actors, Prop and Costume Makers, Producers, Directors

Skills: While
experience in performing arts is preferred, no skills are required; training is

Commitment: Ad-hoc based
on productions; attendance and participation are required during stipulated

  • Choir:

Roles: Vocals (Soprano,
Alto, Tenor, Bass), Pianist

Skills: Proficiency
in instrument and score reading is preferred; auditions will be conducted

Commitment: Weekly choir
rehearsals with rendering of monthly choir anthem and during major combined

  • String

Roles: Violin, Viola,
Cello, Bass, Pianist, Arranger

Skills: Proficiency
in instrument and score reading is required; auditions will be conducted.

Commitment: Attendance of
rehearsal in the lead up to service

  • Genesis

Roles: Dancers,

Skills: Experience
in dance is preferred but not required

Commitment: Weekly dance
rehearsals in preparation for anthems during the Sunday service or major
combined services

  • Shofar:

Roles: Shofar Blower

Skills: Experience
is preferred but not required

Commitment: Ad-hoc for
selected services

  • Floral

Roles: Purchaser,
Arranger, Logistics

Skills: No
experience required, training will be provided

Commitment: At least once
a month participation in the arrangement of flowers for our halls

To sign up, contact Cheryl Chen, Pastoral Team Member for
Worship & Music, at!


Join us

In Transforming Lives, Changing The World! 

We require more willing hearts and hands to serve across our Sunday services. Be Involved at Church. Check out the serving opportunities to find where you can serve. Do write to the person whose email is indicated to enquire. 


We’re looking for volunteers to serve with us at our Sunday Worship Services in the following roles:

Email the respective staff-in-charge to find out more. We look forward to serving alongside you!

TheAttic Library provides Christian literature and multimedia resources to enable, equip and enrich the spiritual journey and transformation. For more information, visit the Attic Library page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Book and/or Music Review Writer
    • Desired traits and skills: Writing
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Publicity creator/designer
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, creative
    • Availability required: Ad hoc

To sign up, contact Audrey Mok, Ministry Chairperson for the Attic Library at!

Our Communications Ministry communicates the heartbeat of the Church to inform, engage, and inspire our Faith family and nearby communities. We use creatives arts in digital or print formats on various platforms such as our website, videos on our youtube/ broadcast / social media channels, posters, banners, bulletin, announcements at services and more. We want you if you have a passion for communications and understand how to use the various platforms to spin publicity.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Animator
    • Immediate need for digital animator to work on a special project!
    • Desired traits and skills: Animation software proficiency
    • Availability required: On Project Basis
  • Graphic Designer
    • Design graphics across our communication channels, from digital to print.
    • Desired traits and skills: Design software proficiency
    • Availability required: On Project Basis
  • Video Crew/Editors
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to do simple editing of photos/videos. Enjoy recording videos. Able to operate basic video equipment; video and possess editing software proficiency
    • Availability required: On Project Basis
  • Content Writers
    • Help to publicise events of the church . Write simple articles for our online newsletter , FaithLink Snapshot, social media posts and/or website. Interview persons on their experience at events or for their personal testimonies.
    • Desired skills: Have passion to write ; have a good command of English
    • Availability : On Project basis
  • Scriptwriters
    • Desired traits and skills: Scriptwriting / storyboarding
    • Availability : On Project basis

To sign up, email:

Community.Youth.Family (CYF) is our ministry that reaches out to pre-believing youth in the community, shares God’s love with them, and invites them to be a part of our Faith church family. For more information, visit the Community.Youth.Family page.

Community.Youth.Family (CYF) Serving Opportunities:

  • Activity Planners and/or Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to pre-believing youths, planning and facilitation skills
    • Availability required: At least once a month
  • Befrienders
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to pre-believing youths, befriending skills
    • Availability required: At least once a month
  • Bible Study Teachers/Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to pre-believing youths, teaching and facilitation skills
    • Availability required: At least once a month

Boys’ Brigade (BB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study and/or Badgework Lesson Teachers/Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to boys, outreach, teaching/facilitation skills
    • Availability required: 1 hour every Saturday morning
  • Officer/Helper
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to boys, outreach, befriending, mentoring and leadership skills
    • Availability required: Every Saturday morning

Girls’ Brigade (GB) Serving Opportunities:

  • Devotion/Bible Study and/or Badgework Lesson Teachers/Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to girls, outreach, teaching/facilitation skills
    • Availability required: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons except school holidays and examination periods
  • Guitarist
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about using music as an outreach tool, ability to play the guitar
    • Availability required: 1 hour on alternate Saturday mornings except school holidays and examination periods
  • Officer/Helper
    • Desired traits and skills: Passionate about reaching out to girls, outreach, befriending, mentoring and leadership skills
    • Availability required: Alternate Saturday mornings except school holidays and examination periods

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo, Pastoral Team Member for Community.Youth.Family at!

Our ministry for Discipleship & Nurture (D&N) develops our congregation as disciples of Christ. For more information, visit the Discipleship & Nurture page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Class Facilitators/Trainers
    • Desired traits and skills: Facilitation/Public Speaking; communication and interpersonal skills
    • Availability required: 2-4 hours per session/Ad hoc
  • Life Group Spiritual Retreat Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Retreat facilitation; communication and interpersonal skills
    • Availability required: 4 hours per session/Ad hoc
  • Administration/Logistics Assistant (Events/Classes/Retreats)
    • Desired traits and skills: Planning and organisation
    • Availability required: 4 hours per session/Ad hoc
  • Sermon Discussion Writer
    • Desired traits and skills: Writing
    • Availability required: Once a month

To sign up, contact Tenny Pang (, Pastoral Team Member for Discipleship & Nurture!

FaithActs is the community service arm of Faith, serving children, youth, families, and seniors across all backgrounds.
Learn more at

Serving Opportunities:

Seniors Services (Morning Programmes):

  • Befrienders
    Traits: Warm, conversant in Mandarin/dialects
    Availability: 3-5 hours
  • Mass Exercise Facilitators
    Traits: Physically healthy (training provided)
    Availability: 1-2 sessions
  • Van Driver
    Traits: Patient, senior-friendly
    Availability: 3-5 hours, mornings
  • Creative Activity Facilitators
    Traits: Creative, resourceful, teaching ability
    Availability: 3-5 hours

Children & Youth Services (Afternoon Programmes):

  • Tutors
    Role: Teaching
    Availability: Weekly, Tues-Thurs, 7:30-9:30pm
  • Learning Hub Assistant
    Role: Befriending, homework supervision
    Availability: Weekdays, 3-4:30pm (homework) and/or 4:30-6pm (activities)
  • KidsLEAP
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays (Mar-May & Jul-Sep), 3-6pm
  • ELP+:
    Role: Teaching (training provided)
    Weekly on Tuesdays (Mar-May, Jul-Oct), 2:30-5pm
  • Junior Chef
    Role: Befriending, teaching cooking skills
    Availability: Weekly on Thursdays, 3-5pm

Community Care & Support Services:

  • Outreach/Befrienders/Medical Escorts
    Traits: Friendly, people-oriented
    Availability: 2-3 hours, ad hoc
  • Home Cleaning
    Traits: Friendly, helpful
    Availability: 3-4 hours, ad hoc

To sign up, contact us at!

The FaithCare ministry is about Christ Caring for People Through People.

Serving Opportunities:

1. Care Ambassadors:  


  • Conduct visits
  • Offers encouragement and friendship
  • Patient
  • Provides love, care and comfort

Resources and training will be provided. For more information please contact Phoon Kum Yuen and Tracy Ng

2. Bereavement and Hospitalisation Visitation Volunteers


  • Conduct visits to wakes and hospitals 
  • Offers care and comfort
  • Patient

For more information, please contact Tracy Ng @ or Godiva Ysip

Our Filipino Ministry aims to nurture Filipinos as disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland.  For more information, visit the Filipino Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

1. Mentors for Life Group Leaders

  • Desired traits and skills: Appreciation and passion for Filipinos
  • Availability required: 1.30pm – 3.30pm (2 hours) on alternate Sundays

2. Musicians

  • Desired traits and skills: Able to play the guitar, keyboard or drums
  • Availability required: 12.30pm – 3pm (2.5 hours) for 1 Sunday per month
  • Coordinators/Helpers for Outreach Events
  • Desired traits and skills: Able to help organize outreach or befriending events
  • Availability required: to help coordinate in any one of the special events–Mother’s Day (May), Philippine Independence Day (June), Filipino Ministry Anniversary (October), or Christmas (December)

To sign up, email Godiva Ysip

Our Hospitality Ministry provides a warm and welcoming experience for everyone at Faith during Sunday worship services and other church events. For more information, visit the Hospitality Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers, Greeters
    • Desired traits and skills: Warm and friendly
    • Availability required: At least One Sunday a month during worship services and/or special events

To sign up, contact Jeffrey Woo, Pastoral Team Member for Hospitality at

Our Indonesian Ministry aims to nurture Indonesians as disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland. For more information, visit the Indonesian Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mentors for Life Group Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Appreciation and passion for Indonesians
    • Availability required: 3pm – 6pm on alternate Sundays
  • Trainers on Life Skills
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to provide short-term training e.g. business start-up, financial management, hair-cutting, cooking, baking, facial care, nail art, guitar, English Language; or give talks on mental healthcare and dental care
    • Availability required: 1.30pm – 3pm on Sundays (short-term)
  • Life Groups for Outreach Events
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to help organize outreach or befriending events
    • Availability required: Any one of the following events – Easter (every March/April), Indonesian Ministry Anniversary (every April), Indonesian Independence Day (every August), or Christmas (every December)

To sign up, contact Esther Ong from the Indonesian Ministry at!

Our Mandarin Ministry reaches out to Mandarin-speaking communities and helps them become disciples of Jesus Christ. For more information, visit the Mandarin Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Ushers/Greeters
    • Desired traits and skills: Warm, friendly and sociable
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Bus befrienders/Van drivers
    • Desired traits and skills: A heart for the mobility-challenged
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Musicians/Instrumentalists
    • Desired traits and skills: Proficiency in at least one instrument
    • Keyboardists, drummers, guitarists, support singers
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Refreshment/Lunch Fellowship Coordinators
    • Desired traits and skills: Hospitable
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Projectionists
    • Desired traits and skills: Able to read and write Chinese
    • Availability required: Once a month
  • Sound & Logistics Crew
    • Desired traits and skills: Sound equipment knowledge/skills
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month
  • Mandarin Translators
    • Desired traits and skills: Proficiency in both Mandarin and English
    • Availability required: Once/twice a month

To sign up, contact Claire Yeh, Pastoral Team Member for the Mandarin Ministry at!

Our ministry for Missions seeks to fulfil the Great Commission by sending long-term workers to the mission fields, and mobilising Faith’s congregation for Acts 1:8 (short-term) trips and missions support. For more information, visit the Missions page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Mission Trippers
    • Desired traits and skills: A heart for the harvest
    • Availability required: Ad hoc (refer to our upcoming mission trip listing)
  • Media Creator
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, multi-media skills
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team
    • We praise God that the Lord has expanded and broadened our missions work in the various fields! As part of our One Mission focus, the Missions Ministry’s vision is to continue to deepen our ministries in these fields, especially in the area of community development.
    • We are looking for educators, medically-trained professionals, and trainers to be part of our Acts 1:8 Missions Resource Team! If you are a teacher (current or retired), are medically-trained, or are a trainer with life skills or a marketplace specialty, and have the heart to reach out to the marginalized, you are who we are looking for. Be part of our team and be kept updated of opportunities to serve in our mission fields with your expertise and skills!

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our ONE JAM Children’s Ministry (ONE Jesus And Me) reaches out to children with the love of Christ by laying the foundation for spiritual growth and helping them become fully-devoted followers of Jesus. For more information, visit the ONE JAM page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Teacher/Discipler of children in SUN JAM Small Groups
    • To pastorally care for the children and help them to know and encounter Jesus through His Word. Training will be provided
    • Availability required: At least twice a month during one of the worship service timings (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • Worship Leader
    • Desired traits and skills: Ability to lead large-group worship for children
    • Availability required: Once or twice a month on Sundays during one of the worship service timings (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • SUN JAM Musician
    • Desired traits and skills: Ability to play a musical instrument (guitar/piano/keyboard)
    • Availability required: Once or twice a month on Sundays during one of the worship service timings (9am/10.30am/11am)
  • Special Needs Teacher
    • To pastorally care for special needs children and help them to know and encounter Jesus through His Word. On-the-job training will be provided
    • Availability required: Once or twice a month on Sundays during the 10.30am worship service timing
  • Creative Outreach Team
    • Desired traits and skills: Ability to do any of the following: lead worship songs, dance, puppetry, skits and lead games for outreach events
    • Availability required: Ad hoc or twice a month on Saturdays

To sign up, contact Pearly Sim, Pastoral Team Member for the Children’s Ministry at!

Our ministry for Outreach & Social Concerns (OSC) reaches out to Faith’s surrounding community with the love of Christ by meeting relevant social issues and concerns. For more information, visit the Outreach & Social Concerns page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Publicity Creator/Designer
    • Desired traits and skills: IT savvy, interviewing/writing
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Packers for goodies bags for Adopt-A-Block (AAB) visitations
    • Desired traits and skills: Helpful and able to help pack goodie bags
    • Availability required: 2 to 4 hours twice a year
  • Adopt-A-Block (AAB) Visitation Door Gift Coordinator
    • Desired traits and skills: Resourceful
    • Availability required: Ad hoc
  • Adopt-A-Family (AAF) Volunteers
    • For Life Group sign-ups only
    • Desired traits: Warm and friendly, heart for the needy
    • Availability required: Monthly visits to “adopted” family
  • God Of Love Delivery (G.O.L.D.) of lunch packs to needy seniors
    • For Life Group sign-ups only
    • Desired traits: Patient, friendly, heart for the needy
    • Availability required: Once a month on Saturdays

To sign up, contact our Church Office at!

Our ministry for Prayer & Intercession seeks to ignite and create a prayer movement – a distinct culture of praying people passionate about praying God’s will and purposes be done. For more information, visit the Prayer & Intercession page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Be a Praying Partner
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, reliable and faithful
    • Availability required: At least 15 to 30 minutes every day
  • Be an Altar Ministry Partner (For trained member sign-ups)
    • Desired traits and skills: Prayerful, humble and submissive
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week (at the Corporate House of Prayer and House Of Healing on Wednesdays, and at the end of worship services on Sundays)
  • Be an Intercession Partner (For gifted members)
    • Desired traits and skills: Teachable, team player
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours a week on Wednesday evenings

To sign up, contact Peh Oon Thian, Pastoral Team Member for Prayer & Intercession at!

Our TackleBox Youth Ministry (TTB) aims to mentor every young person beyond a secondhand faith, and into a personal relationship with Jesus. For more information, visit the TackleBox Youth Ministry page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Life Group Team Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: Every Sunday from 9am to 1pm
  • Adult Mentors for Youth Leaders
    • Desired traits and skills: Mentoring and leadership
    • Availability required: At least 2 hours once every 2 weeks

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Our ministry for Witness & Evangelism (W&E) equips everyone at Faith with evangelistic tools and provides them with opportunities to reach out to pre-believers in nearby communities. For more information, visit the Witness & Evangelism page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Alpha Course Facilitators
    • Desired traits and skills: Facilitation and/or teaching
    • Availability required: 10 to 12 weekly sessions (for one complete run, training and materials will be provided)
  • Soccer Coach/Manager
    • Desired traits and skills: Coaching and/or management
    • Availability required: Once a week on Sunday afternoons
  • Nurturers for New Believers
    • Desired traits and skills: Passion for mentoring/sharing life experience with new believers
    • Availability required: 2 hours a week (training and materials will be provided)
  • Organisers for Equipping Classes
    • Desired traits and skills: Event organisation, passion for learning and engaging in evangelism
    • Availability required: 2 to 3 hours quarterly

To sign up, email our Church Office at!

Faith’s Worship & Music Ministry plans our Sunday worship services and coordinates the different sub-ministries to serve God and His people, so that our worship services may be Spirit-led, for us to encounter God and worship Him in spirit and truth. For more information, visit the Worship & Music page.

Serving Opportunities:

  • Production:
    • projection (8am, 1030am service)
    • sound (all services)
    • lights (9 & 11.15am services)
    • video switcher (9am service only)
  • Musicians
    • Bass guitarist (Contemporary services)
    • drummer (contemporary services)
  • Creative Arts
    • Scriptwriters
    •  Actors
    • Prop and costume makers
    •  Producers
    • Directors
  • Shofar Blower
    • To blow the Shofar on an ad-hoc event basis
      • Criteria:
    • Active in Small Group for more than 6 months
    • Attends Faith Sunday Service regularly
    • Has a regular Quiet Time with God
    • Able to own a personal Shofar
    • Has no difficulty in breathing
    • Has a positive attitude towards learning and receiving correction
    • Faithful with self-practice and in seeking improvements from the leaders
      • Commitment:
    • Minimum two-year commitment with six/seven sessions a year (excluding self-practice time
  • Pianist (traditional service)

To sign up, contact Cheryl Chen, Pastoral Team Member for Worship & Music at!

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