Indonesian fellowship

Faith’s Indonesian Ministry was birthed on 17 April 2004 when Faith moved into her current church building at 400 Commonwealth Drive. On its 10th anniversary in April 2014, it started weekly fellowships, which sees an average attendance of 20 today. Each week, the fellowship is led mainly by Indonesian domestic helpers, mentored by a team of volunteers passionate about seeing Indonesians become FAITH-ful disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland. This means Fellowship with other believers in Life Groups; Adoration of God with songs of worship, prayer, tithes and offerings; Involvement by serving in ministry with their God-given talents; Transformation through regular reading of the Bible and living out its principles; and Harvest of souls through sharing the gospel and personal testimonies.

Indonesian Fellowship On Zoom

Every 1st Sunday

9pm – 10.30pm via Zoom

Please contact Esther Ong from the Indonesian Ministry at for Zoom teleconferencing details.

Indonesian Fellowship & Life Group Meetings

Every 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday

Onsite, 2pm – 3.30pm

Faith Methodist Church, Koinonia Rooms 1-3 (Level 4)



Our Daily Bread daily devotional and Gospel tracts
in Indonesian are available on request.

For more information on our Indonesian Ministry, please contact Esther Ong from the Indonesian Ministry at For the full list of ministry opportunities at Faith, visit Serve with Us

What our members think about
the Indonesian Fellowship

“To be able to serve in a church while working as a domestic worker seemed impossible when I wanted to work in Singapore. However, God made it possible for me at Faith Indonesian Ministry!
I have learned from the examples of our volunteer mentors to serve God wholeheartedly and without ulterior motives, be always willing to serve despite my limitations, to keep on learning and being trained to serve better.
As a leader of the ministry now, I hope to help younger domestic helpers know that God came to save sinners and even their sinful past can be a lesson used by God to bless others. Praying, being grateful and having faith (in God) are my three life principles.”

– Ranci, Life Group & Core Leader

“Membayangkan bisa melayani di gereja sambil bekerja sebagai Asisten Rumah Tangga (ART) di Singapura sepertinya sesuatu yang mustahil bagi saya. Namun, Tuhan memungkinkan saya untuk melayaniNya di Faith Indonesian Ministry!
Saya belajar dari keteladanan para mentor kami disini untuk melayani Tuhan dengan kerelaan dan tanpa motif tersembunyi. Saya belajar untuk selalu bersedia melayani Tuhan meskipun dengan keterbatasan saya; memberi diri terus belajar dan dilatih supaya dapat melayani semakin baik.
Sebagai pemimpin pelayanan saat ini, saya berharap dapat membantu ART yang lebih muda untuk mengetahui bahwa Tuhan datang untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang berdosa dan bahkan masa lalu mereka yang penuh dosa bisa dipakai Tuhan menjadi pelajaran berguna untuk memberkati orang lain. Berdoa, bersyukur dan beriman (kepada Tuhan) adalah tiga prinsip hidup saya.”

– Ranci, Pemimpin Grup & Panitia

“Being born and raised in a Christian family, I was taught to fear God and regularly worship in church since childhood. Working abroad made it difficult to worship regularly and have fellowship with other believers in my mother tongue. This made me long for Christian fellowship and thirst for God’s Word.
Praise God, I was introduced to Faith Indonesian Ministry. I felt welcomed and met many Christian sisters from my homeland. It felt like I was back with my family. My faith continues to grow through God’s word and I learn a lot from the testimonies of people in this ministry. I started to worship God regularly again with encouragement from my fellow believers who often remind us to support, help and pray for each other.”

– Meri, member of Faith Indonesian Ministry

“Saya dilahirkan dan dibesarkan dalam keluarga Kristen, dan sejak kecil saya sudah diajarkan untuk takut akan Tuhan dan rutin beribadah di gereja. Tinggal dan bekerja di luar negeri telah mengubah kebiasaan beribadah saya – lebih susah untuk beribadah secara rutin dan bersekutu dengan saudara seiman dengan bahasa ibu. Ini membuat saya semakin rindu bersekutu dan haus akan Firman Tuhan.
Puji Tuhan, saya dikenalkan dengan Faith Indonesian Ministry. Saya merasa disambut dan bertemu banyak saudari seiman dari tanah air saya.Rasanya seperti saya kembali bersama keluarga saya. Iman saya terus bertumbuh melalui firman Tuhan dan saya belajar banyak dari kesaksian orang dalam pelayanan ini. Keteraturan ibadah saya kepada Tuhan telah dimulai kembali, dengan dorongan dari saudara-saudara seiman saya yang sering mengingatkan kami untuk saling menguatkan, membantu dan mendoakan.”

– Meri, anggota Pelayan Indonesia Faith

hello THERE!


We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

hello THERE!


We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

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Attic eLibrary!

Below are some useful tips on navigating the site.
Access the eLibrary at or use the Libby App!

Using The website
  • Enter your user ID and password
  • Click on “Collections” at the top navigation bar and you will see “Faith Methodist Church Collections”
  • Browse the categories available
  • Select an item by clicking on it
  • Click on “Sample” to access a brief sample of the item
  • Click on “Borrow” to borrow the item
  • Each member can borrow a maximum of 2 items for 14 days each
  • After 14 days, the item will be automatically returned to the eLibrary
  • You can choose to “Read Now In Browser” or “Download” the item
  • If the item is already borrowed, you can “Add To Wish List”
  • When you have finished, please click “Return” to return the item to the eLibrary
  • If you have any questions, please email
  • Download the Libby app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, or use Libby in a browser
  • Open the app, and when prompted to answer the first question, “Do you have a library card?”, click “Yes”
  • Click “I’ll Search For A Library”
  • Type in “Faith Methodist Church” and click “Search”
  • Click “Enter Library Account Details”
  • Type in your user ID and click “Next”
  • Type in your password and click “Sign-in”
  • It will show your library card. Click “Next”
  • You can search for an item by clicking the “Search” icon (bottommost left) and typing in a word/phrase, or
  • You can browse items by clicking the “Building” icon (second icon from the bottom left)
  • If you want to borrow an item, click the item, then click “Borrow”
  • Verify your card and select “Borrow”
  • To read the item that you have borrowed, click the “Shelf” button (second icon from the bottom right)
  • If someone has borrowed the item, you can click “Place Hold” to reserve the item
  • When you have finished reading the item, click the “Manage Loan” icon (next to the item) and click “Return Early” to return the item to the eLibrary
  • If you have any questions, please email


Indonesian fellowship

Faith’s Indonesian Ministry was birthed on 17 April 2004 when Faith moved into her current church building at 400 Commonwealth Drive. On its 10th anniversary in April 2014, it started weekly fellowships, which sees an average attendance of 20 today. Each week, the fellowship is led mainly by Indonesian domestic helpers, mentored by a team of volunteers passionate about seeing Indonesians become FAITH-ful disciples of Jesus before they return to their homeland. This means Fellowship with other believers in Life Groups; Adoration of God with songs of worship, prayer, tithes and offerings; Involvement by serving in ministry with their God-given talents; Transformation through regular reading of the Bible and living out its principles; and Harvest of souls through sharing the gospel and personal testimonies.

Indonesian Fellowship On Zoom

Every 1st Sunday

9pm – 10.30pm via Zoom

Please contact Esther Ong from the Indonesian Ministry at for Zoom teleconferencing details.

Indonesian Fellowship & Life Group Meetings

Every 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday

Onsite, 2pm – 3.30pm

Faith Methodist Church, Koinonia Rooms 1-3 (Level 4)



Our Daily Bread daily devotional and Gospel tracts
in Indonesian are available on request.

For more information on our Indonesian Ministry, please contact Esther Ong from the Indonesian Ministry at For the full list of ministry opportunities at Faith, visit Serve with Us

What our members think about
the Indonesian Fellowship

“To be able to serve in a church while working as a domestic worker seemed impossible when I wanted to work in Singapore. However, God made it possible for me at Faith Indonesian Ministry!
I have learned from the examples of our volunteer mentors to serve God wholeheartedly and without ulterior motives, be always willing to serve despite my limitations, to keep on learning and being trained to serve better.
As a leader of the ministry now, I hope to help younger domestic helpers know that God came to save sinners and even their sinful past can be a lesson used by God to bless others. Praying, being grateful and having faith (in God) are my three life principles.”

– Ranci, Life Group & Core Leader

“Membayangkan bisa melayani di gereja sambil bekerja sebagai Asisten Rumah Tangga (ART) di Singapura sepertinya sesuatu yang mustahil bagi saya. Namun, Tuhan memungkinkan saya untuk melayaniNya di Faith Indonesian Ministry!
Saya belajar dari keteladanan para mentor kami disini untuk melayani Tuhan dengan kerelaan dan tanpa motif tersembunyi. Saya belajar untuk selalu bersedia melayani Tuhan meskipun dengan keterbatasan saya; memberi diri terus belajar dan dilatih supaya dapat melayani semakin baik.
Sebagai pemimpin pelayanan saat ini, saya berharap dapat membantu ART yang lebih muda untuk mengetahui bahwa Tuhan datang untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang berdosa dan bahkan masa lalu mereka yang penuh dosa bisa dipakai Tuhan menjadi pelajaran berguna untuk memberkati orang lain. Berdoa, bersyukur dan beriman (kepada Tuhan) adalah tiga prinsip hidup saya.”

– Ranci, Pemimpin Grup & Panitia

“Being born and raised in a Christian family, I was taught to fear God and regularly worship in church since childhood. Working abroad made it difficult to worship regularly and have fellowship with other believers in my mother tongue. This made me long for Christian fellowship and thirst for God’s Word.
Praise God, I was introduced to Faith Indonesian Ministry. I felt welcomed and met many Christian sisters from my homeland. It felt like I was back with my family. My faith continues to grow through God’s word and I learn a lot from the testimonies of people in this ministry. I started to worship God regularly again with encouragement from my fellow believers who often remind us to support, help and pray for each other.”

– Meri, member of Faith Indonesian Ministry

“Saya dilahirkan dan dibesarkan dalam keluarga Kristen, dan sejak kecil saya sudah diajarkan untuk takut akan Tuhan dan rutin beribadah di gereja. Tinggal dan bekerja di luar negeri telah mengubah kebiasaan beribadah saya – lebih susah untuk beribadah secara rutin dan bersekutu dengan saudara seiman dengan bahasa ibu. Ini membuat saya semakin rindu bersekutu dan haus akan Firman Tuhan.
Puji Tuhan, saya dikenalkan dengan Faith Indonesian Ministry. Saya merasa disambut dan bertemu banyak saudari seiman dari tanah air saya.Rasanya seperti saya kembali bersama keluarga saya. Iman saya terus bertumbuh melalui firman Tuhan dan saya belajar banyak dari kesaksian orang dalam pelayanan ini. Keteraturan ibadah saya kepada Tuhan telah dimulai kembali, dengan dorongan dari saudara-saudara seiman saya yang sering mengingatkan kami untuk saling menguatkan, membantu dan mendoakan.”

– Meri, anggota Pelayan Indonesia Faith