Bear One Another’s Burdens

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

The FaithCARE Ministry at Faith is about Christ Caring For People Through People. All of us, young and old, experience crisis at some point in our lives. Having someone to journey with and care for us can help ease the pains, hurts, confusion, stress, and loneliness.

Our CARE Ambassadors are trained to journey with you through a crisis or an emotional need. If you need a listening ear, someone to care for and encourage you, pray for and with you, and walk alongside you through your crisis or emotional pain, request for a CARE Ambassador to journey with you via the form below. Alternatively, you can call our Church Office at 6471 9420 to leave a message for a CARE Ambassador to get in touch with you.

If you know of someone at Faith who would benefit from speaking with a CARE Ambassador, you can refer them to us as well. For us to act on your request, please obtain prior consent from the Care Receiver before making the referral. FaithCARE ministry is open to the congregation of Faith Methodist Church. All communication and sharing with the CARE ambassador will be kept in strictest confidence

making a permanent



May you continue to experience God’s peace and comfort as you through this time of bereavement/hospitalization.

Connect with us if you need prayer and/or visitation:

  • If you are a Life Group (LG) Member:
    Connect with your Life Group Pastoral Team Member (LGPTM) / LG Leaders (Community/LG) or call the church office or the emergency line (after office hours).
  • If you are not a Life Group Member, call the church office (during office hours) or the emergency line (after office hours).

Church Office:
6471 9420 (Office Hours at 8:30am – 5:30pm)

Emergencies / Urgent Pastoral Care:
8125 7277 (After Office Hours)

Cancer Support Group

The cancer journey, from diagnosis to treatment to recovery, is physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging.

Our Cancer Support Group, made up of survivors, is here to support those currently on this path.

Whether you’re a patient, survivor, or caregiver, you are welcome to join us. We meet every two months on Saturday mornings from 9–11 am, alternating between support sessions and talks by guest speakers on cancer care.

For more information, contact Carl Tan at or Tracy Ng at


cradle (mother-to-be)

Send us your prayer requests via this form“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6


Faith Methodist Church has a team of lay counsellors who are available to work through your concerns with you. If you are feeling troubled and need to talk to someone, call our Church Office at 6471 9420 or submit the form below to request that our counsellor get in touch with you. 

All counselling sessions are strictly confidential.

Faith Methodist Church has a team of lay counsellors who are available to work through your concerns with you. If you are feeling troubled and need to talk to someone, call our Church Office at 6471 9420 or submit the form below to request that our counsellor get in touch with you. 

All counselling sessions are strictly confidential.


If you know someone at Faith who would benefit, with their consent, you can refer them to us.

FaithCARE is available to the Faith Methodist Church congregation only. All communication will be kept confidential.

For more information, contact Tracy Ng at


Member Care provides short-term financial assistance (for 3-6 months) to those in need. To qualify, you must be:

•⁠  ⁠A member of Faith Methodist Church
•⁠  ⁠An active member of a Life

GroupFor assistance, contact your Life Group leader for a referral to our Member Care team or email Tracy Ng at
We will assess your situation and provide support as best as we can.

The FaithCARE Ministry at Faith embodies Christ Caring for People Through People. Everyone faces crises at some point in life, and having someone to offer support and compassion can significantly ease pain, stress, and loneliness.

Our team of specially trained volunteer CARE Ambassadors provides confidential one-to-one emotional and spiritual support to those experiencing difficulties such as bereavement, chronic illness, aging, job loss, divorce, minor mental health issues, and other life transitions.

Do You Need Care?

If you need a listening ear, someone to care for and encourage you, pray for and with you, and walk alongside you through your crisis or emotional pain, click the link below to request for a CARE Ambassador to journey with you If you know of someone at Faith who would benefit from speaking with a CARE Ambassador, you can refer them to us as well. For us to act on your request, please obtain prior consent from the Care Receiver before making the referral.

All communication and sharing with our CARE ambassadors will be kept in strictest confidence. For more information on our FaithCARE Ministry, please contact Phoon Kum Yuen, Chairperson of FaithCARE at 

Who is a CARE Ambassador?

A CARE Ambassador is a volunteer who has completed 20 hours of CARE Ambassador training prior to being commissioned.  As part of his or her training to be further equipped for the FaithCARE Ministry, a CARE Ambassador also attends 2 hours of continuous education and peer supervision each month.

What does a CARE Ambassador do?

Visits faithfully

Offers encouragement and friendship to you

Listens patiently to you

Provides love, care, and comfort

Uses spiritual resources (Scriptures and prayers)

Does not judge you

Assists you to identify, accept and express your feelings

Helps you explore resources and options available to you

For more information on our FaithCARE Ministry, please contact Phoon Kum Yuen, Chairperson of FaithCARE at For the full list of ministry opportunities at Faith, visit



home away from home

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit.

greeter gathering and orientation

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit.

hope in the storms faqs

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit.

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim. Urna cursus eget tincidunt augue interdum velit

Counselling Registration Form

Please ensure your email address is correct as a copy of the submitted form will be sent to you.

Registration Form

FAITHcare Registration Form

Please ensure your email address is correct as a copy of the submitted form will be sent to you.

Registration Form

hello THERE!


We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

hello THERE!


We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

Welcome to the

Attic eLibrary!

Below are some useful tips on navigating the site.
Access the eLibrary at or use the Libby App!

Using The website
  • Enter your user ID and password
  • Click on “Collections” at the top navigation bar and you will see “Faith Methodist Church Collections”
  • Browse the categories available
  • Select an item by clicking on it
  • Click on “Sample” to access a brief sample of the item
  • Click on “Borrow” to borrow the item
  • Each member can borrow a maximum of 2 items for 14 days each
  • After 14 days, the item will be automatically returned to the eLibrary
  • You can choose to “Read Now In Browser” or “Download” the item
  • If the item is already borrowed, you can “Add To Wish List”
  • When you have finished, please click “Return” to return the item to the eLibrary
  • If you have any questions, please email
  • Download the Libby app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, or use Libby in a browser
  • Open the app, and when prompted to answer the first question, “Do you have a library card?”, click “Yes”
  • Click “I’ll Search For A Library”
  • Type in “Faith Methodist Church” and click “Search”
  • Click “Enter Library Account Details”
  • Type in your user ID and click “Next”
  • Type in your password and click “Sign-in”
  • It will show your library card. Click “Next”
  • You can search for an item by clicking the “Search” icon (bottommost left) and typing in a word/phrase, or
  • You can browse items by clicking the “Building” icon (second icon from the bottom left)
  • If you want to borrow an item, click the item, then click “Borrow”
  • Verify your card and select “Borrow”
  • To read the item that you have borrowed, click the “Shelf” button (second icon from the bottom right)
  • If someone has borrowed the item, you can click “Place Hold” to reserve the item
  • When you have finished reading the item, click the “Manage Loan” icon (next to the item) and click “Return Early” to return the item to the eLibrary
  • If you have any questions, please email



Bear One Another’s Burdens

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

The FaithCARE Ministry at Faith is about Christ Caring For People Through People. All of us, young and old, experience crisis at some point in our lives. Having someone to journey with and care for us can help ease the pains, hurts, confusion, stress, and loneliness.

Our CARE Ambassadors are trained to journey with you through a crisis or an emotional need. If you need a listening ear, someone to care for and encourage you, pray for and with you, and walk alongside you through your crisis or emotional pain, request for a CARE Ambassador to journey with you via the form below. Alternatively, you can call our Church Office at 6471 9420 to leave a message for a CARE Ambassador to get in touch with you.

If you know of someone at Faith who would benefit from speaking with a CARE Ambassador, you can refer them to us as well. For us to act on your request, please obtain prior consent from the Care Receiver before making the referral. FaithCARE ministry is open to the congregation of Faith Methodist Church. All communication and sharing with the CARE ambassador will be kept in strictest confidence

making a permanent



May you continue to experience God’s peace and comfort as you through this time of bereavement/hospitalization.

Connect with us if you need prayer and/or visitation:

  • If you are a Life Group (LG) Member:
    Connect with your Life Group Pastoral Team Member (LGPTM) / LG Leaders (Community/LG) or call the church office or the emergency line (after office hours).
  • If you are not a Life Group Member, call the church office (during office hours) or the emergency line (after office hours).

Church Office:
6471 9420 (Office Hours at 8:30am – 5:30pm)

Emergencies / Urgent Pastoral Care:
8125 7277 (After Office Hours)

Cancer Support Group

The cancer journey, from diagnosis to treatment to recovery, is physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging.

Our Cancer Support Group, made up of survivors, is here to support those currently on this path.

Whether you’re a patient, survivor, or caregiver, you are welcome to join us. We meet every two months on Saturday mornings from 9–11 am, alternating between support sessions and talks by guest speakers on cancer care.

For more information, contact Carl Tan at or Tracy Ng at


cradle (mother-to-be)

Send us your prayer requests via this form“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6


Faith Methodist Church has a team of lay counsellors who are available to work through your concerns with you. If you are feeling troubled and need to talk to someone, call our Church Office at 6471 9420 or submit the form below to request that our counsellor get in touch with you. 

All counselling sessions are strictly confidential.

Faith Methodist Church has a team of lay counsellors who are available to work through your concerns with you. If you are feeling troubled and need to talk to someone, call our Church Office at 6471 9420 or submit the form below to request that our counsellor get in touch with you. 

All counselling sessions are strictly confidential.


If you know someone at Faith who would benefit, with their consent, you can refer them to us.

FaithCARE is available to the Faith Methodist Church congregation only. All communication will be kept confidential.

For more information, contact Tracy Ng at


Member Care provides short-term financial assistance (for 3-6 months) to those in need. To qualify, you must be:

•⁠  ⁠A member of Faith Methodist Church
•⁠  ⁠An active member of a Life

GroupFor assistance, contact your Life Group leader for a referral to our Member Care team or email Tracy Ng at
We will assess your situation and provide support as best as we can.

The FaithCARE Ministry at Faith embodies Christ Caring for People Through People. Everyone faces crises at some point in life, and having someone to offer support and compassion can significantly ease pain, stress, and loneliness.

Our team of specially trained volunteer CARE Ambassadors provides confidential one-to-one emotional and spiritual support to those experiencing difficulties such as bereavement, chronic illness, aging, job loss, divorce, minor mental health issues, and other life transitions.

Do You Need Care?

If you need a listening ear, someone to care for and encourage you, pray for and with you, and walk alongside you through your crisis or emotional pain, click the link below to request for a CARE Ambassador to journey with you If you know of someone at Faith who would benefit from speaking with a CARE Ambassador, you can refer them to us as well. For us to act on your request, please obtain prior consent from the Care Receiver before making the referral.

All communication and sharing with our CARE ambassadors will be kept in strictest confidence. For more information on our FaithCARE Ministry, please contact Phoon Kum Yuen, Chairperson of FaithCARE at 

Who is a CARE Ambassador?

A CARE Ambassador is a volunteer who has completed 20 hours of CARE Ambassador training prior to being commissioned.  As part of his or her training to be further equipped for the FaithCARE Ministry, a CARE Ambassador also attends 2 hours of continuous education and peer supervision each month.

What does a CARE Ambassador do?

Visits faithfully

Offers encouragement and friendship to you

Listens patiently to you

Provides love, care, and comfort

Uses spiritual resources (Scriptures and prayers)

Does not judge you

Assists you to identify, accept and express your feelings

Helps you explore resources and options available to you

For more information on our FaithCARE Ministry, please contact Phoon Kum Yuen, Chairperson of FaithCARE at For the full list of ministry opportunities at Faith, visit



home away from home

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit.

greeter gathering and orientation

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit.

hope in the storms faqs

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit.

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim. Urna cursus eget tincidunt augue interdum velit